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Connect through Groups & Classes

At Centerpoint Church, we believe in life-changing connections—with each other and with Jesus Christ. One way you can get connected is by joining a Group or Class! No matter who you are, we have a group perfect for you. Find a new community, new friends, and genuine connections. 

Filled to Flow Groups

At Centerpoint Church, we believe in life-changing connections—with each other and with Jesus Christ. Find a new community, new friends, and genuine connections.

Connect Groups

At Centerpoint Church, we believe in life-changing connections—with each other and with Jesus Christ. Find a new community, new friends, and genuine connections.


Generational Healing Class

Mondays, Feb 24 to Mar 17, 6:30-8:30pm
Cost: $30, Childcare provided

Come learn from Dr. Mary Simms about how to break free from negative generational patterns and how to live into the purposes of God for your life!

Hearing God in Dreams

Thursdays, Feb 6 to Mar 6, 6:30 to 8:30pm.
Cost: $30 Childcare Provided

Throughout scripture, we see God speak through dreams. Come learn how to make sense of your dreams and unpack what God is saying through your dreams.

Following Jesus

Sundays, Feb 2 to April 13, 11-12:15pm
Cost: $10, Childcare provided

Following Jesus is a 7-week introduction to a lifestyle of discipleship. This small group is for everyone whether you are a new believer, interested in being disciples, or learning how to disciple others.

Financial Peace University

Mondays, Feb 3 to March 31, 6:30-8:30pm
Cost: Price options on Ramsey+, Childcare provided (0-5th grade)

Financial Peace University (FPU) presents biblical, practical steps designed to instruct participates on God's ways of handling money and financial resources.



2nd and 4th Thursdays, Feb 13 to Apr 24, 9:30-11:15am
Cost: $60, Childcare provided up to 5th grade

Momspace provides a fun and welcoming place where mothers of young children can come together to connect and be encouraged in the Lord.

Women's Bible Study

Tuesdays, Jan 28 to Mar 11, 9-11:45am or 6:30-8:30pm
Cost: $10, Childcare provided

This 7-week study will transform how you see and relate to God and create meaningful opportunities to connect and grow with other women who share a love for Christ.

Women of Worth

We want women (40+) in our community to find real friends. We meet once a month and share a meal.

Women of Worth

Women of Worth (40+)

Wednesday, March 19th

11am - 1pm

 Join us for fellowship as we "March into Spring”  

with a charcuterie-themed luncheon

What to bring:

A-C: Cheeses 

D-H: Meats 

I-M: Crackers and breads 

N-R: Fruits and nuts 

S-Z: Spreads, honey, olives and condiments


Desserts provided


         We are meeting at a local Temecula home. Address in confirmation.


Men’s Bible Study

Tuesdays, Jan 28 (12 weeks), 6:30-8:30pm
Cost: $20

Release the Holy Spirit’s work at the very core of your experience of the Christian life – as He releases you to serve God as never before.

Men's Conqueror Series

Tuesdays, Jan 28 (10 weeks), 6:30-8:30pm
Cost: $25

The Conquer Series is a 10-week study that has been instrumental in raising awareness of the detrimental effects of sexual addiction.


CP Young Adults

Mondays, weekly at 6:30pm

18–30 year-olds weekly worshiping and pursuing God and people authentically!

Senior Ministry

Centerpoint Seniors (55+) -active in fellowship, inspiration, prayer support, and time in God’s Word. "Register" for our next event.


Living Victorious-I: FOUNDATIONS

Mondays, Jan 27 to Mar 17, 6:15-8:30pm
Cost: $65/couple, Childcare provided

6-week biblical couples study on how to have victory in the daily battles and struggles of life.

Living Victorious-II: CULTIVATE

Mondays, March 31 to May 12, 6:15-8:30pm
Cost: $65/couple, Childcare provided

6-week biblical couples study on how to have victory in the daily battles and struggles of life.


THRIVE marriage workshops are 6 individual workshops held one Saturday morning a month.

  • Trust
  • Healthy Communication
  • Refuge in Christ
  • Investing in Us
  • Victory in your Marriage
  • Everlasting Love



Wednesdays, Jan 22 to May 14
Cost: $20/person

GriefSupport is a friendly, caring group that will walk alongside you through one of life's most difficult experiences of grief and loss.

Celebrate Recovery

Fridays at 7pm
Cost: Free

If you have hurts, habits, or hang-ups, come experience freedom through Christ!
