
Motherhood is a rollercoaster with ups and downs. Connect with other mamas like you and talk about real-life moments that only moms can understand. Momspace provides a fun and welcoming place where mothers of young children can come together to connect and be encouraged in the Lord.

We welcome moms with children ages newborn to 5th grade. Childcare is provided up to 5th grade.

Registration cost is $60 which includes craft materials, brunch, and childcare.

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Registration closed on Friday, November 22, 2024


Motherhood is a rollercoaster with ups and downs. Connect with other mamas like you and talk about real-life moments that only moms can understand. Momspace provides a fun and welcoming place where mothers of young children can come together to connect and be encouraged in the Lord.

Date / Time

Venue 3

Aszurae Den Ouden
